APR 18 morning post!

Captain Ewave Morning Post!


Please click here for the Bob Balan Ewave Basics Handbook… which the Captain highly recommends:



Don’t try to learn Ewave all in one day.  Focus on when the Captain is buying or selling, and the big wave counts.  

From there, add more detail to your study.


If any sub needs one-on-one help with the wave counts, just some handholding during market dips, or both, shoot us an Email we’ll work out a phone talk time slot.  Can buy a one-time slot or multi… Thanks, Captain & Crew 




CDNX Chart:  



Short Term Update:


CDNX moved sideways in Thursday’s trading session, although we closed marginally lower at 892.50!


We continue to work on the assumption that all of wave -ii- of .iii. is now complete at the 802.71 low and if that is the case then we are now starting to move sharply higher in wave -iii- of -iii-, as shown on our Daily CNDX Chart. Out first projection for the end of wave -iii- is:


-iii- = 1.618-i- = 1527.95.


Within wave -iii-, we are working on (i) and within wave (i), we should be working on wave $iii$, which has projected endpoints of:


$iii$ = 1.618$i$ = 914.22;

$iii$ = 2.618$i$ =




Next major resistance is 948.38.                                                                                                                        


Our initial projected endpoint for the larger wave -iii- is:


.iii. = 1.618.i. = 1357.04.


Trading Recommendation: Long the GDXJ as a long-term hold.                   


Active Positions: Heavily long the GDXJ and key juniors on the CDNX, as a long-term hold!  


GDX & Gold Stocks:


GDX 60 Min Chart:



GDX Daily Chart:  



Short Term Update:


The GDX was higher in Thursday’s trading session reaching a high of 40.95, closing at 40.86!


All of wave *ii* is complete at the 28.33 low and longer term we have now rallied higher in wave *iii*. Our first projection for the end of wave *iii* is:


*iii* = 1.618*i* = 76.22.


Within wave *iii*, we are working on wave ^i^ and within wave ^i^ we are working on -iii- which has an initial projected endpoint of:


-iii- = 2.618-i- = 41.59.


We are now working on the assumption that all of wave $iv$ ended at the 35.67 high and if that is the case then we are now rallying in wave $v$, which appears to have become an ending diagonal triangle formation.


Within this ending diagonal triangle, it looks like wave !iii! is still underway. After wave !iii! ends we expect a wave !iv! drop that cannot fall below the wave !ii! low.


After wave !iv! ends we expect another rally in wave !v! to complete this ending diagonal triangle wave $v$ and all of wave -iii-. Diagonal triangles are like regular triangles… that like to expand.


The other option is that we are still working on an expanding wave $iv$ bullish triangle with wave !a! ending at 35.67 and are still rallying in a lengthy wave !b!. After wave !b! ends we should fall in wave !c! which cannot trade below the wave !a! low of 35.67.


After wave -iii- ends we expect a wave -iv- correction that retraces between 23.6 to 38.2% of the entire wave -iii- rally.


Our updated projection for the end of wave -3- is:


-3- = 2.618 (-1-) = 66.37.


We do have higher projections, however, as gold is likely heading well above $5000/oz.


Kinross(Updated September 02nd, 2021):


We continue to rally in subdividing wave -iii- of (iii), which has an updated projection for its completion of:


-iii- = 4.25-i- = 19.25.


Within wave -iii-, we completed wave .i. at 10.24 and appear to still be working on wave .ii, which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 6.48;

61.8% = 5.59.


We have now reached our 61.8% retracement level, so we need to be on guard for the completion of wave .ii. and the start of a sharp rally in wave .iii..


Longer term our updated projection for the end of wave (iii) is:


(iii) = 4.25(i) = 21.55.


Barrick (Updated December 31st,2021):  We are now rallying in an extending wave iii rally which has the following projection for its completion:


iii = 2.618i = 53.94


Wave iii still has along way to go and within this wave we are now rallying in wave (iii). Wave (iii) is now subdividing also, and it looks like we completed wave -i- at 27.74. We are now falling in an irregular type of wave -ii- correction which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 20.20;

61.8% = 18.41.


We have now reached our 61.8% retracement level, so we need to be on guard for the completion of wave -ii- and the start of a large rally in wave -iii-. Within wave -ii-, wave $c$ appears to have become an ending diagonal triangle, which could be complete at the 17.27 low. After wave -ii- ends we will provide our first projections for the end of wave -iii-.


Our current projected endpoint for all of wave (iii) is:


(iii) = 2.618(i) = 45.24.


Newmont Goldcorp: We are now rallying in (v) of iii, which has the following projected endpoint:


iii = 2.618i = 107.85.


After wave iii ends, we expect a wave iv correction that retraces between 23.6 to 38.2% of the entre wave iii rally.


HUI (Updated December 31st , 2021): We continue to rally in wave 3 which has the following projected endpoint:


3 = 2.618(1) = 620.32.


Within wave 3 we are rallying in wave iii, which has the following updated projected endpoint:


iii = 4.25i=644.35.


Within wave iii, we are still working on aa complex wave (ii), which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 258.18;

61.8% = 230.88.


After wave (ii) ends we expect a very sharp rally in wave (iii). We will provide our initial projections for the end of wave (iii), when we think all of wave (ii) is complete.


XAU (Updated December 31st, 2021): We continue to rally in wave (iii), which has the following projected endpoint:


(iii) = 2.618(i) = 226.55.


Within wave (iii), we now think that all wave -iii- ended at the 165.36 high and if that is the case then we are now falling in wave -iv- which has the following retracement levels:


23.6% = 141.24;

38.2% = 125.15.


After wave -iv- ends we expect another sharp rally higher in wave -v-, which is project to reach the 226.55 level to complete all of wave (iii).                         


Trading Recommendation: Long Term hold of all gold stocks and indices.


Active Positions: We remain long the GDX, ABX, KGC, NEM, SSRM, and TSX:XGD with no stops!! 




Daily Gold Chart:



Short Term Update: 


Gold was lower in Thursday’s day session reaching a low of 1962.70, although after that low was made, we moved higher, and that trend higher has continued in the overnight session as we have reached a high of 1997.10!


We are now thrusting sharply higher in wave .i. of -v-.


Within wave -v- we are working on wave .i., and within wave .i., it now looks like all of wave $v$ is complete at the 2078.80 high. We are now falling in wave .ii., which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 1915.90;

61.8% = 1877.50.


We are now working on the assumption that all of wave .ii. is NOT complete at the 1893.20 low. It looks like within wave .ii., all of wave $a$ ended at 1895.20 and that the current rally is a complex wave $b$, which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 1987.00;

61.8% = 2007.70.


We have now entered our retracement zone for wave $b$ so we need to be on guard for its completion. After wave $b$ ends we expect another drop back to at least the wave $a$ low of 1893.20, in wave $c$ to complete all of wave .ii. 


Longer term, we still expect gold to move sharply higher with very big daily price swings, as we march to all time new highs.


Trading Recommendation: Long gold. Use puts as stops.  


Active Positions: We are long, with puts as stops! 




Daily Silver Chart:  



Short Term Update:


Silver was lower in Thursday’s day session reaching a low of 25.46.


In the overnight session we have blasted higher reaching a high of 26.46!


We are now rallying sharply higher in wave iii, which has an initial projected endpoint of:


iii = 1.618i = 50.97!


Within wave iii, we are now rallying in wave -i- and within wave -i- we are rallying in wave $iii$, which has an initial projected endpoint of:


$iii$ = 4.618$i$ = 31.54.


It looks like wave $iii$ is now subdividing. We have updated the location of where we think wave ^i^ ended to 27.50, and if that is the case then we are now falling in wave ^ii^ which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 24.74;

61.8% = 24.09.


We are now working on the assumption that all of wave ^ii^ is complete at the 24.05 low and if that is the case then we are now starting to rally sharply higher in wave ^iii^. We will give this market another day or so before we provide our initial projections for the completion of wave ^iii^.


Next major resistance is 26.16.


We still expect much higher prices lie ahead, and still expect the daily trading ranges to continue to be large.


Trading Recommendation: Long and using a put as a stop.


Active Positions: Long using a put as a stop!                                                                                                                                             


US 10 Year Bond Yield:


Daily US 10 Year Bond Yield Chart:



Short Term Update:                                                                      


The US 10 Year Bond Yield was sharply higher in Thursday’s day session and that trend higher has continued in the overnight session as we have reached a high of 2.884%!


It still looks like wave -ii- is becoming a 3-wave irregular type correction pattern with all of wave *a* of -ii- ending at the 1.128% low.


This wave *b* rally is now crazy stretched and should end very soon. After wave *b* ends we still expect another drop in wave *c*, which has a minimum target of the wave *a* low of 1.128%, to complete all of wave -ii-.


Our retracement levels for all of wave -ii- are:


50% = 1.130%

61.8% = 0.99%.      


Trading Recommendation: Flat.


Active Positions: Flat!




Daily SP500 Chart:  



120 Minute SP500 Chart:



Short Term Update:


The SP500 was lower in Thursday’s trading session reaching a low of 4390.77. In the overnight session the SP500 Futures are down by about 15 points!


Wave v is complete at the 4748.87 high as a failure high. We have now started a multi-decade correction. We will assume that the first drop in this correction will be five (5) waves and so far, wave (i) ended at the 4222.62 and all of wave (ii) at the 4637.30 high.


We are now falling in wave (iii) which has the following initial projected endpoint:


(iii) = 1.618(i) = 3735.83.


The volatility should continue.  


Trading Recommendation: Short using calls as stops.


Active Positions: Short using calls as stops.





Daily USDX Chart:  



Short Term Update:


The USDX was higher in Thursday’s day session reaching a high of 100.77. In the overnight session we have moved sideways currently trading at the 100.48 level!


Our last retracement level for all of wave (ii) is:


78.6% = 100.79.


We have now reached our 78.6% retracement level and if our current analysis is to remain valid, we need to turn down now.


We were stopped out of our short position on Thursday.


Trading Recommendation: Flat.


Active Positions: Flat!


Crude Oil and Suncor:


Daily Crude Chart:



Short Term Update:


Crude was higher again in Thursday’s day session and that trend higher has continued in the overnight session as we have reached a high of 108.00!


We are now rallying in wave iii, and within wave iii, with all of wave (i) ending at 130.50 high. We are now falling in wave (ii) which has the following retracement levels:


50% = 96.47;

61.8% = 88.43.


We are now working on the assumption that all of wave $a$ of (ii) ended at 93.53, wave $b$ at 116.64 and likely all of wave $c$ at the 92.93 low, to complete all of wave (ii). If that is the case, we are now starting to rally sharply higher in wave (iii), which has an initial projection for its completion at:


(iii) = 1.618(i)= 203.10.


Inflation in the world is just beginning!


No matter what now happens in the Ukraine/Russian war, millions of barrels on Russian oil have now disappeared from the world market that cannot easily be replaced, which will be very bullish for crude prices moving forward!


Our initial projection for the completion of wave iii is:


iii = 1.618i = 176.47.


Suncor: Wave iii is subdividing and within wave iii, all of wave (i) ended at the 25.73 high, and all of wave (ii) at the 16.91 low. We should now be rallying in wave (iii), which has the following initial projected endpoint:


(iii) = 1.618(i) = 41.28.


It also looks like wave (iii) is subdividing with wave -i- ending at 26.97 and all of wave -ii- at the 22.22 low. We are now moving sharply higher in wave -iii-, which has the following initial projected endpoint:


-iii- = 1.618-i- = 38.50.


Next major resistance being the 34.56, which we are fast approaching.


Our current projection for the completion of all of wave iii to:                                                                                                                     


iii = 2.618i = 42.40


Trading Recommendation: Long crude with a put as a stop. Long Suncor.


Active Positions: Long crude with put as a stop! Long Suncor!                         



Captain & Crew